
Can non-ArcGIS maps and preplans be added?

Q: Can non-ArcGIS type maps be added to the system (e.g.: agency map books, usually done as a .pdf document)? What about detailed Preplans of a facility? Floor plans etc?



A: Yes, ADASHI can integrate any maps, pdf’s, images, video, or sketches available. ADASHI provides several methods that are ideal for managing and automating the retrieval of data in any format.  PDF Map books (3 ring binders within the vehicle) are common.  ADASHI is configured to automatically display the appropriate Preplan within the incident.  Preplans are automatically available in the field provided the department has copied these to the system and added them to ADASHI. From the moment the dispatch comes in from CAD… a user can open the ADASHI program and find the preplans waiting for them. You don’t need to ask or search for them. Click under the PrePlans or Occupancy tab in the Incident Container.


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