
What sort of IT infrastructure does ADASHI require?

Q: What sort of IT infrastructure is required to support the ADASHI system as installed on MDTs for CAD and routing?


A: There are 3 IT infrastructure requirements to support ADASHI:

1. Hardware – Hardware (computer) maintenance and support are not provided by Adashi.  The following components are required to be in working condition for Adashi to operate:

a. Computer/Tablet. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 using x86/x64 CPUs only.

b. GPS receiver (Required for routing and AVL tracking).

c. Communication device such as a Cell Card (for access to online weather data and the Adashi Server).

2. GIS – Both Adashi FirstResponse MDT, and Adashi C&C include all of North America’s maps. If requested, the Adashi team can acquire your local map files from your GIS department (which may be a part of the County) and set up a combined view set. These map views will include both the North America mapset and the local GIS layers. After this initial setup, updates to these maps will be the responsibility of your GIS department. Adashi’s documentation includes extensive instructions on how to do this maintenance. In addition, since Adashi is based on the same Esri map engine that your GIS department uses for map management, there is no extensive conversion process required. The maps you currently utilize and update can simply be copied into the Adashi map folder replacing the old versions.

3. Software installation – Adashi Applications and any Adashi customizations are distributed on a USB memory stick (flash drive) or through online downloads. It is the customer’s responsibility to perform this installation and all subsequent updates. Initial installation can be done with an Adashi Support representative assisting. Download instructions can be provided at Customer Request. This is a large multi-part archive that can be extracted to a Customer USB drive or Network Share for easy installation.


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